Thursday, November 02, 2006

Job saga and tidbits

**Just when I thought the job situation was over, finito, done with. I get a call and VM the other day from the folks at NMIT, they’ve changed the job description, it’s more e-marketing, blah blah, would you want to reapply or give me a call to discuss? I’m not sure what the deal is, but the pool of good people must be pretty slim here. I’ve never had an employer chase me down. Anyway, Don’s boss’ hubby came into the office after his second interview and was glum about the new job description and thinks he’s no longer qualified. BLAST! I was really hoping to snag him that job. For Don’s sake. Back to square one.

**Don’s starting to work full-time through the month of November. His big bosses in Christchurch want him to try out the job for a month. They want to fill a permanent, full-time role there so it’s Don’s month of auditions. However, it’s not just Don on the stage, they asked him to consider what he thought about the job, he needs to test it out, he needs to determine if it would be a good fit. Employers here are HUGE on fit. More on this in a separate blog. Suffice it to say, I will be doing bike rides and beach visits during the week all by my lonesome for the month. Good news, I get to do it twice b/c Don will want his fill on the weekend!

**My pseudo-boss Jungle taught me to play a game originating in New Zealand called Tantrix. Visit He apparently is in the midst of the world online championships and is heading for the top 4. So we go to lunch, he pulls out his tantrix pieces (it’s like dominoes in a way), and he teaches me to play over my first game (and some pad thai). My beginners luck kicks in and I beat him at his own game. Truth be told, he played nearly all my moves, so he beat himself. But still, it’s a good laugh to hold it over his head at the office.

**People say having pets is different than children. Once again, I say not. Yesterday I took Livvy to get her teeth cleaned. We’ve never had a cat before who required dental cleanings, but we adopted her at age 9 and she was already nearly toothless by that point. When she had her food allergy last month the vet told us she was in desperate need for dental work—which is done under anesthesia. Grrreaaat, how much will that cost?? We couldn’t afford it in October, so I scheduled her for November 1. So yesterday she went under the knife, so to speak. They had to pull two of her cute teeth, she has so few left that poor thing. The vet told us cats can live long lives without any teeth at all, but it’s still sad. She is prone to tooth decay it would seem due to her early upbringing. Now we need to add dental care to her annual exams. She is resting comfortably on pain medication and wet food for a week.


At Fri Nov 03, 05:46:00 am NZDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Porter says, "Our past history aside, I hope Livvy feels better soon." We do too!!
Love, Mom & Richie


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