Friday, October 13, 2006


**The famous Nelson Arts Festival starts this weekend (visit -- another web site yours truly is responsible for, since the NAF is sponsored by the Nelson City Council). We love browsing the web site too, especially because we won't be able to go to many of the 10-day long festivities since they are so freaking expensive!! The feature item, however, is a sculpture of a flaccid penis. I've put up some of the photos of the work in progress, but I have to admit, I just don't see it.

**Last week at the market we bought some organic, free range eggs. Ate 'em right up, I was craving them. Next thing you know, I've got me an alergic reaction to one of mother earth's freshest of foods. My body's probably been so poisoned with GE stuff and manipulated food products that I can't even eat the fresh stuff without suffering the consequences.

**We are hoping to host our very first visitor in the next few days! One of the women who volunteered with Sense of Security emailed me on about October 5 and said "I'll be leaving for Auckland on 10/10, what should I do during my 2 week jaunt through New Zealand?" And just like that, she's on the plane and landed today and will be heading for the South Island. I hope she'll have time to make a stop in Nelson, I highly recommended it. See you soon, Sara!

**We have been suffering--and I mean this--through a week of the most blustery of winds I can recall. Isn't that one of the reasons I left Colorado??? Here I am right back in the wind. Well, they are either s'owesters or n'orwesters, whatever the weather lady calls them and they are pissing me off. You can't wear a skirt (found out the hard way), you can't bike down the road without falling over, and you can't leave the house if the washing is up because that darned winde blows it all down and then it's dirty again. It's been a smashing Friday! BRING ON THE WINE!


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