Friday, November 10, 2006

Healthcare – Part 2 of 2, The Extras

What you pay for specialists:
The GP can refer you to a specialist at the public hospital, this is free but you can expect to wait for an appointment.
If your doctor refers you to a private specialist, an initial private consultation may cost from $120 - $250 depending on the specialist area.
Low wage earners with a community services card get a reduced fee.

What you pay for lab tests and x-rays:
Lab tests and xrays, CAT scans or similar imaging procedures ordered by the doctor: usually no charge
Check up laboratory tests requested by you: you pay the charge
If your doctor sends you to a private practice or hospital, you are expected to pay the full costs. Some screenings are partly paid by the government (breast screening for one) and you might pay a small fee.

What you pay for ambulance service:
Varies between free if the hospital orders it to around $60 average for a medical emergency

What you pay for dental services:
Children: a dental nurse provides free dental treatment at primary school. If the child needs a specialist, there is a government program to pay toward the cost of the treatment, but not all issues are covered and usually you’ll have to pay something.
Older Children: at secondary school dental care is provided by dentists. Same program as above applies.
Orthodontic treatment: you pay all costs
Adults: you pay all costs, even if a low-wage earner. Costs for a check up and cleaning vary between $50 and $150 depending on location and dentist. Sometimes you can get less expensive dental treatment through the public hospital.

What you pay for a physiotherapist / physical therapy:
You pay, charges vary but if your treatment is for a like-worker’s compensation claim, the government program may pay part of the charge.

What you pay for a chiropractor:
Visits range from $25 to $35, x-rays up to an additional $100

What you pay for a counselor or psychotherapist:
Costs range from $40 to $150 depending on the service. Social services or voluntary organisations provide this service too and can charge less than private practices. The government subsidizes sexual abuse counseling.


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