Wednesday, December 13, 2006

An answer to all your questions

We finally have an answer to EVERYONE's question--you all ask us the exact same question. well, I should say you've all stopped asking us the exact same question, knowing better now that months have nearly turned into a year. Has the house sold? Well, the answer is .... No, it hasn't. But today, a date to remember for years, the house has rented for a full year, through 2007. WOOPPEEEEEEEee!! We are so excited to have any good news on that place, the first good news since putting it up for sale March 2006. It's been a long, long haul and there have been many days of grief and depression about that damn house and what we would do with it, being so far away. But today we get a reprieve from the grief.

So, we celebrate with wine, lots of it. And maybe a little extra in the Christmas stocking. We have to (again) thank our friends John and Star for taking care of our place for the past 6 months. Ironically, John and his step-daughter Kylee were there cleaning the yard and gutters (what wonderful friends, I tell ya) when the prospective tenants came back to take photos after deciding to apply to rent the house. John gave them a (second) guided tour of the house and back yard and, even better, sized them up for us. We got ourselves some good tenants, we're pleased.

Better yet, our good friends have a break from mucking through our house and shoveling the drive and all they've done after being asked AND taking a few things on without being asked. And, Don and I are nearly free: turns out this couple really loved the place and were very interested to know it was for sale, an option they can manage even before the lease is up! Keep your fingers crossed. In the meantime, Don and I officially are not going broke anymore :)

More this weekend...


At Wed Dec 13, 06:26:00 pm NZDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news! What a good Christmas present for you. Love, Dad & Mom


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